TU 2458-002-22361394-2001
Rosfloc KVP-S is an encapsulating polymer, used as an anti-decomposition additive for effecting on drill cuttings and bore hole walls. Rosfloc KVP-S forms gel-like structures in crevices which appear in hole walls during drilling, preventing penetration of water phase deep into the reservoir.
The product is added directly into bentonitic dispersion or as a water solution. Dosing rate of Rosfloc KVP-S depends on drill fluid properties and ranges from 0.3 to 3.0 kg/m3. Application of Rosfloc KVP-S minimizes the problem of tight bore hole or washing-out of walls, prevents balling on stabilizer and bore bit.
Physical properties
Powder of white color.
- Solubility: water soluble
- рН 1 % of water solution: 7.0 — 9.5
- Main substance content: not less than 90%
Chemical properties
High molecular weight polyacrylamide with 25-30% hydrolysis.
Rosfloc KVP-S is supplied in bags with a polymer liner, weight 25 kg.
Safety requirements
According to acute toxicological characteristics, Rosfloc KVP-S refers to the 4th class of hazard – low-hazard chemical substances as per GOST standard 12.1.007-76. It poses no hazard of acute inhalation intoxication. In case of contact it irritates conjunctiva and skin cover. Rosfloc KVP-S is fire-flame-proof.
Rosfloc KVP-S is transported by all the type transport according to the rules of cargo transportation.