TU 2458-010-22361394-2007
Rosfloc PG (DEFOAMER) is used as a defoaming agent which helps to prevent and neutralize the foaming of drilling fluids.
The product is added directly into the drill fluid. Dosing rate of Rosfloc PG depends on drill fluid properties.
Physical properties
Low-viscosity fluid, from yellow to brown colour.
- Density, kg/m3: 900 — 950
- Solubility: limitedly water soluble
Chemical properties
Composition of fatty acid monoesters, SAA and mineral oil.
Rosfloc PG is supplied in plastic cans or metal drums as agreed with the customer.
Safety requirements
According to acute toxicological characteristics, Rosfloc PG refers to the 4th class of hazard – low-hazard chemical substances as per GOST standard 12.1.007-76. It poses no hazard of acute inhalation intoxication. In case of contact it irritates conjunctiva and skin cover. Rosfloc PG is fire-flame-proof.
Rosfloc PG is transported by all the type transport according to the rules of cargo transportation.